HacSoc Slack

Click here to go to the official HacSoc Slack!

What is it?

Slack is a chat platform for teams. We use it for “low-latency” communication about organizational stuff (e.g. planning talks, LinkState, HackCWRU, etc). It has “channels”, which are like chat rooms organized around specific topics. You can also directly message other users and create private groups for conversation.

Slack has a web application (linked at the top of this page), as well as mobile and desktop apps. You need to create an account, which you can do by following the link above.

Slack is arguably one of our most important communication tools. If you want to get more involved with HacSoc, this is the place to start. Don’t let your dreams be dreams! Sign up today!

Who is it for?

Slack is not just for officers, it’s for anyone interested in getting involved! Anyone with a case.edu email address can join our Slack team. But please keep in mind that this is primarily a tool for organizing HacSoc. While light off-topic chat is acceptable and normal, especially on channels like #random, organizational channels should be kept clear for their intended use!

No matter what, you must put your real name in your profile!


Currently, we have:

  • #general: for general purpose, organizational messages. It’s probably a good idea to have notifications on for this channel. Meeting minutes typically get posted here, among other things.
  • #random: for off-topic chat. Keep it PG folks.
  • #server: for ACM server related messages. If you use ACM servers, have notifications on for this channel.
  • #linkstate, #hackcwru: for event-related chat. You should turn on notifications for this on the day of the event, if you’re helping organize it!
  • #talks: for discussion related to potential weekly HacSoc talks. Note that it is the HacSoc maintainer’s job to organize these talks, but communication about these talks could happen here.
  • #openhacks: for discussion related to OpenHacks. If you have an idea for an event to do at OpenHacks, want to help out with someone else’s idea, or just generally want to know what’s going on at a rate faster than once per week, this is the place to be.
  • #blogs: automatic @channel notifications when a HacSoc member posts a new blog article. You can get your blog added here.

There are more channels than the ones mentioned here. You may create new ones, but please stop to consider whether it is a constructive channel for HacSoc. It’s a good idea to DM an officer, or ask about it in #general first.


  • You must put your full name in your profile. This is not an anonymous forum.
  • Respect the topics in topic-oriented channels.
  • Be civil, respect other people’s opinions. Debates and disagreements are a normal part of working in a team. You must handle these situations maturely.

Administrators have the power to restrict and disable your account, as well as remove you from a channel, if you are a real nuisance. However, it will be a sad day in HacSoc history if we ever have to use that power.


For an overview of how slack roles work, see this handy guide. Ownership of the Slack team should be passed along from president to president. Administrator power should be assigned to a few additional trusted members (probably but not necessarily officers). Administrators should be reassigned yearly along with ownership, so that admins stay current.