Why Use Linux? ============== Nobody really likes change, and a new operating system means a lot of change. Why do we think you should learn it? Here's a short list: It's Easier to do Programming ----------------------------- Apple makes iOS and OS X development very easy on Macs. Microsoft makes Windows development very easy on PCs. However, web development using the most popular tools is easiest on Linux, and so is cross platform development. The main reason for this is that Linux treats the command line as a "first-class" tool. Everything you can do with a `GUI `_ you can also do on the command line, and you can usually do even more powerful things on the command line than you can with a GUI. It's a Valuable Skill --------------------- Since it's easier to develop many web applications on Linux, it's also a lot easier to run them on Linux. Many companies use Linux for their web stack, and having basic competency with Linux makes you a much more valuable candidate! It's Easier to Learn More About ------------------------------- Since Linux is open source, you can learn a lot about how your computer works as you use it. Once you become comfortable with the basics, you can move to a version of Linux that gives you more responsibility for configuring your computer (like Arch Linux). This is a great way to learn a lot about the practical aspect of how computers work. It's More Customizable ---------------------- Unlike Windows or OS X, you can change many aspects of how your computer looks and works. This can even help you be more productive! Still Not Convinced? -------------------- That's OK! Your choice of operating system is your own personal opinion, like your favorite food or color. Many of us at HacSoc use Linux regularly on our main computers and enjoy it, but not all do. You don't have to use Linux to be part of HacSoc, nor does it make you a better programmer on its own. We still recommend you at least try it and become familiar with the basics, because you will need to use some Linux in classes like Operating Systems and Networks. You're also likely to run across Linux in the "real world" once you graduate, which is another good reason to be familiar.