CAS === Case has deployed JA-SIG's `Central Authentication Service `_, or CAS, to allow services to easily authenticate users. The service entered production use on September 6, 2005. **Please Note:** This article has been created from an archived copy of the CAS article from Although it has been lightly edited, many of the links are dead, and some of the information is outdated. Efforts have been made to keep as much information intact as possible, but some sections have been removed and some links have been updated. .. contents:: Table of Contents Using CAS --------- Users can log into CAS at Users can log out of CAS at If a user logs into CAS, he or she can be logged in to any application that participates in the service without again specifying his or her password for a period of up to 8 hours. Most users do not visit directly, but instead they are typically redirected there by client applications. This process is described below. Frequently Asked Questions -------------------------- Why do I need to change my password before I can log in? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAS integrates with the university's password policy requirements. If your password is expired and you attempt to log in, CAS will inform you of such. You will be given a link to change your password. Why should I close my browser when I am done? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you log in to CAS, a cookie is stored in your browser that allows you to be automatically logged in to other sites. This cookie is set to expire at the end of your browser's session. So, when you close your browser, this cookie no longer exists and you can no longer be automatically be logged in to any more sites without specifying your password again. It is possible to log out of CAS by visiting, however, this is not a secure form of logging out! Some sites may still have you recorded as logged in through the use of cookies on those specific sites. Closing your browser is the easiest way to guarantee that the next user of a computer will not be surfing the web under your identity. Authentication versus authorization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you access content, there are two phases you must go through to be allowed to access it: authentication and authorization. Authentication is proving that you are who you say you are. Authorization is determining whether a proven person is *authoriz*\ ed to access something. CAS handles authentication. By logging in to CAS, CAS can authenticate your identity to participating services because you have authenticated yourself to CAS and CAS is trusted by the services that use it. CAS does not handle authorization to individual services. It is up to the individual services to determine if a user is allowed to access them. How do I obtain the user's name, status, etc? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CAS merely authenticates a user. All the services know is that a username, *abc123* is accessing their site. CAS does not provide information about users to accessed services. However, all is not lost. This information is contained within the university's LDAP server. It is possible for end-services to query the LDAP server for information about these users to control and customize service behavior. Some examples are displaying the user's name, filtering content based upon user's role within the university (student, staff, faculty, etc), grade level of student (freshmen, sophomore, junior, senior, etc). Why should I change my existing service to use CAS? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simple answer: supplying your password to log in all the time is annoying. Wouldn't it be convenient to just type your password once every eight hours and be done with it? Besides, the fewer times users need the password, the more incentive there is for them to chose a better, more difficult to break, takes longer to type password. Contact ~~~~~~~ It appears that the email address may be able to help, but this info comes from an old Case Wiki page that may be outdated. Web Sites and Applications Using CAS ------------------------------------ If you maintain a website that uses CAS, please add your site to the list below. The sites are listen in chronological order (at least for now). Deployed ~~~~~~~~ - Case Wiki - (since September 6, 2005) (no longer available) - `Blogs@Case `__ (since September 6, 2005) - `ITS Services `__ (since September 6, 2005) - Shibboleth (since September 6, 2005) - `USG Funding System `__ (since September 8, 2005) - `Bookswap Account Status `__ (since September 9, 2005) - `Software Center `__ (Since September 29, 2005) - `Lists@Case `__ (since October of 2005) - `Case Screensaver Web Interface `__ (since October of 2005) - (since November 18, 2005) (not a thing anymore) - `Student Affairs `__ and all related sites (since February 16, 2006) - `Blackboard `__ (since February 16, 2006) Probably a lot more by now. Really, pretty much every web application at CWRU is integrated with CAS. How CAS Works ------------- Basic overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a user accesses a site that uses CAS, that site redirects the user to CAS ( Once CAS has verified a user's identity, it forwards them back to the original site. CAS attaches a unique ticket number to the URL of the protected service. The protected service sees this ticket. It sends this ticket to CAS. CAS tells the protected service whether the ticket is good and if so, the Case ID that was used to obtain the ticket. The protected service reacts accordingly, allowing access if the ticket is good. Detailed overview ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you log into CAS at, a cookie is saved in your browser. This cookie contains a unique ticket number that identifies you to the CAS server. Every time you access after you are logged in, your browser automatically transmits this cookie to the web server. CAS reads the cookie, looks up the ticket in its database, and identifies you. CAS clients behave a little differently. Say you access When you load up that page, the page requires that you be logged into CAS to access it. How does this work? The page redirects you to ```` via an HTTP Location header. Once CAS has verified you are logged in, it sends you back to the URL specified in the *service* parameter, in this case There is, however, one small change. CAS appends a service ticket to the URL, like ````` The CAS client sees that the *ticket* parameter is defined and knows the user has just come from The CAS client then queries ```` The CAS server replies with an XML document that describes the service ticket. Some of the values returned include whether the ticket is good and the username associated with the ticket. Alternatively, the CAS client can query ```` This will return a two line document. The first line will say *yes* or *no*. The next line (only present if the first line is *yes*) will be the username associated with the ticket. In short, when a user requests access to an application that is CASified, that user gets whisked away to the CAS server. Once they are logged in, the client is returned to the application with a unique service ticket. This is a personalized ticket, good for only one use, and a short period of time that will gain you access into the application. The CAS client verifies this ticket by talking to the CAS server and if everything checks out, it lets you in. CAS Implementation Best Practices --------------------------------- Use Caching ~~~~~~~~~~~ Many of the clients listed below use some form of caching. Without caching, the CAS client will redirect the user to the CAS server for every request to obtain a new service ticket. This places more load on not only the CAS server, but your web server as well. Also, it takes a little longer for every page access to load because the user has to process 3 HTTP requests and your web server has to verify the ticket with the CAS server. Assuming a negligible page load time under normal conditions, it takes about 5x longer to view a page. To eliminate this bottleneck, you should store a cookie on the client's browser that tells your server that they are logged in. This cookie should contain a ticket that you can map to a user. Most CAS clients do this transparently. Some clients, such as the PHP client, store this information in the user's $\_SESSION. Don't Log the User out of CAS ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some CAS clients have a logoff function that will actually log the user out of CAS. This should be avoided! Don't confuse local application logoff and CAS logoff. If the user logs out of the local application, they are simply transitioning from registered user mode to anonymous user mode. If a user logs out of CAS, they will be forced to supply their username and password again. A simple way to check for logging out of CAS is to look for a request to If this URL is accessed by a client, they will be logged out of CAS. Configuring Applications to Use CAS ----------------------------------- CAS is being used because it supports many clients for authentication. A fairly complete list of clients is `available `__. To use CAS for authentication, you need to know the following parameters: - **Host**: - **Context**: /cas/ - **Login URL**: - **Logout URL**: - **Validate URL**: (CAS protocol version 1) - **Service Validate URL**: (CAS protocol version 2) - **Running Version**: 2.0 - **CAS Protocol Versions Supported**: 1 and 2 If one the following clients does not work or does not apply to you, you may wish to create your own CAS client. This is relatively simple because CAS operates over HTTP and the protocol is relatively simple. Consulting the `CAS protocol `__ is a necessary step to properly design a client. Some clients, such as the Apache modules, require that the certificate used by the login server to be verified. For these, you need to obtain the public certificate for the Certificate Authority for The certificate authority is Entrust Server CA and its public certificate can be found below under the Apache 2 instructions. Using Apache ~~~~~~~~~~~~ A module, mod\_cas, is available for Apache 1 and 2 to do CAS authentication. A Perl auth module is also available as an alternative. Apache 1 ^^^^^^^^ Apache 2 ^^^^^^^^ Although the version of mod\_cas distributed as part of the CAS client package is usable, we recommend the use of our custom mod\_cas module. The advantages of our module are that configuration options for the module are not compiled into the module. Also, we have modified the module to work with our modified mod\_auth\_ldap, which can return dynamic groups from LDAP. The source code for our module can be found at The development for this module occurs at Extract the contents of this archive anywhere in your filesystem. cd to the **apache2** directory. Edit the following values in **Makefile**: - top\_srcdir - top\_builddir - srcdir - builddir - VPATH The values for *top\_srcdir* and *top\_builddir* are the path to Apache 2's source tree will most likely be identical. An example value would be */usr/local/src/httpd-2.0.54* The values for *srcdir*, *builddir*, and *VPATH* will most likely all be **./** The module is compiled and installed by running .. code:: bash make make install-modules Alternatively, you can compile the module using `apxs `__. Run the following to compile and copy the module to your Apache module directory: .. code:: bash /path/to/apxs -i -c mod_cas.c ssl_client.c Once the module is installed, you need to edit your Apache config file (usually *httpd.conf*) and add the following: .. code:: apache LoadModule cas_module usr/lib/apache2/ CASLoginURL CASHost CASValidate /cas/validate CASTrustedCerts /path/to/entrust.crt #CASDebug On CASLocalCacheFile /path/to/cas/cache CASLocalCacheSize 1000 CASLocalCacheTimeout 7200 CASLocalCacheInsecure Off The **CasTrustedCerts** directive should point to a file containing the public certificate of the Certificate Authority for the CAS server. It is recommended to create a file with the following contents: :: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIE2DCCBEGgAwIBAgIEN0rSQzANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADCBwzELMAkGA1UEBhMC VVMxFDASBgNVBAoTC0VudHJ1c3QubmV0MTswOQYDVQQLEzJ3d3cuZW50cnVzdC5u ZXQvQ1BTIGluY29ycC4gYnkgcmVmLiAobGltaXRzIGxpYWIuKTElMCMGA1UECxMc KGMpIDE5OTkgRW50cnVzdC5uZXQgTGltaXRlZDE6MDgGA1UEAxMxRW50cnVzdC5u ZXQgU2VjdXJlIFNlcnZlciBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0aW9uIEF1dGhvcml0eTAeFw05OTA1 MjUxNjA5NDBaFw0xOTA1MjUxNjM5NDBaMIHDMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEUMBIGA1UE ChMLRW50cnVzdC5uZXQxOzA5BgNVBAsTMnd3dy5lbnRydXN0Lm5ldC9DUFMgaW5j b3JwLiBieSByZWYuIChsaW1pdHMgbGlhYi4pMSUwIwYDVQQLExwoYykgMTk5OSBF bnRydXN0Lm5ldCBMaW1pdGVkMTowOAYDVQQDEzFFbnRydXN0Lm5ldCBTZWN1cmUg U2VydmVyIENlcnRpZmljYXRpb24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MIGdMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUA A4GLADCBhwKBgQDNKIM0VBuJ8w+vN5Ex/68xYMmo6LIQaO2f55M28Qpku0f1BBc/ I0dNxScZgSYMVHINiC3ZH5oSn7yzcdOAGT9HZnuMNSjSuQrfJNqc1lB5gXpa0zf3 wkrYKZImZNHkmGw6AIr1NJtl+O3jEP/9uElY3KDegjlrgbEWGWG5VLbmQwIBA6OC AdcwggHTMBEGCWCGSAGG+EIBAQQEAwIABzCCARkGA1UdHwSCARAwggEMMIHeoIHb oIHYpIHVMIHSMQswCQYDVQQGEwJVUzEUMBIGA1UEChMLRW50cnVzdC5uZXQxOzA5 BgNVBAsTMnd3dy5lbnRydXN0Lm5ldC9DUFMgaW5jb3JwLiBieSByZWYuIChsaW1p dHMgbGlhYi4pMSUwIwYDVQQLExwoYykgMTk5OSBFbnRydXN0Lm5ldCBMaW1pdGVk MTowOAYDVQQDEzFFbnRydXN0Lm5ldCBTZWN1cmUgU2VydmVyIENlcnRpZmljYXRp b24gQXV0aG9yaXR5MQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRDUkwxMCmgJ6AlhiNodHRwOi8vd3d3LmVu dHJ1c3QubmV0L0NSTC9uZXQxLmNybDArBgNVHRAEJDAigA8xOTk5MDUyNTE2MDk0 MFqBDzIwMTkwNTI1MTYwOTQwWjALBgNVHQ8EBAMCAQYwHwYDVR0jBBgwFoAU8Bdi E1U9s/8KAGv7UISX8+1i0BowHQYDVR0OBBYEFPAXYhNVPbP/CgBr+1CEl/PtYtAa MAwGA1UdEwQFMAMBAf8wGQYJKoZIhvZ9B0EABAwwChsEVjQuMAMCBJAwDQYJKoZI hvcNAQEFBQADgYEAkNwwAvpkdMKnCqV8IY00F6j7Rw7/JXyNEwr75Ji174z4xRAN 95K+8cPV1ZVqBLssziY2ZcgxxufuP+NXdYR6Ee9GTxj005i7qIcyunL2POI9n9cd 2cNgQ4xYDiKWL2KjLB+6rQXvqzJ4h6BUcxm1XAX5Uj5tLUUL9wqT6u0G+bI= -----END CERTIFICATE----- and set this directive to point to that file. You can use the *CASDebug* directive to allow extra debugging to the Apache log for testing purposes. For *CASLocalCacheFile*, create a blank file and set its permissions so the Apache user can write to this file. To protect a specific directory to require CAS authentication, just use AuthType CAS. For example: .. code:: apache AuthType CAS AuthName "CAS" require valid-user By default, the CAS module will handle authentication and authorization. If you have another module that you would like to process authorization, such as mod\_auth\_ldap, you need to tell mod\_cas to defer to that module. This is done by adding the directive **CASAuthenticateOnly On** to either the global httpd.conf file or in any , , , or .htaccess location. You can set **CASDebug On** and view the Apache error log to verify everything is working as it should. Apache 2.2 ^^^^^^^^^^ The Apache 2.0 module is not compatible with Apache 2.2 due to Apache API changes. Gregory Szorc will be working on writing a CAS module for Apache 2.2. If you have an urgent need for this module, let him know. IIS ~~~ - `CAS ISAPI filter for ISS `__ (*dead link, sorry*) - `CCCI CAS `__ alternative plugin for ISS/Apache (see `documentation `__) (*also dead links*) *These filters are not well supported, and may not even work at all. If you are successful in implementing any ISAPI filters, please add instructions for doing so here.* PHP ~~~ There are two PHP libraries that can be used with CAS at Case. The Case CAS Module is very simple. It requires PHP 5 to run. phpCAS supports all the bells and whistles of CAS, but requires a little more setup. Case CAS Module ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Information about this module is available at The source code is available at **Note:** Both links above are dead. Updated sources for the Case CAS module (if it still exists) would be very much appreciated. Sample usage: .. code:: php require_once('Case/Authn/CAS.php'); $cas = new Case_Authn_CAS(); $cas->forceAuthentication(); $CaseID = $cas->getCaseID(); or .. code:: php require_once('Case/Authn/CAS.php'); $cas = new Case_Authn_CAS(); $cas->checkAuthentication(); if ($cas->isLoggedIn()) { //the user is known to be logged in //do whatever you want with them } phpCAS ^^^^^^ You can use `phpCAS `__, a CAS PHP library to perform CAS authentication within your PHP applications. To install phpCAS, download phpCAS, extract the contents of the archive, and copy *source/CAS* to somewhere in PHP's *include\_path*. In your PHP application, use the following to set up your CAS client: .. code:: php require_once('CAS/CAS.php'); phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0,'',443,'/cas'); The creation of the phpCAS client automatically calls session\_start unless the 5th parameter of the function is *false*. If your session is already started, this will issue a PHP warning. To force the user to be logged in, execute the following statement: .. code:: php phpCAS::forceAuthentication(); If you need to obtain the person's network ID, use: .. code:: php $NetID = phpCAS::getUser(); More documentation is availabe at the library's web site. **Do not use *phpCAS::logout()* in your script, as it will log the user out of CAS**. Instead, you can perform a local logout by manipulating $\_SESSION variables or cookies. Example PHP Script ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. code:: php Perl ~~~~ (Old: See ) This link is dead! If you use CAS with Perl and find an appropriate resource, please update this wiki with it! (A Web search for PerlCAS might yield a good resource(s).) Java ~~~~ (Old: See ) This link is dead! If you use CAS with Java and find an appropriate resource, please update this wiki with it! Ruby / Ruby on Rails ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ `RubyCAS `_ has a client and server implementation. For integrating with Case CAS, just look at the client implementation. Django ~~~~~~ Most modules for CAS in Django are named "django-cas" or something similar, so they're rather difficult to tell apart. Here are a couple distinct ones, you'll have to try a couple out and see which ones work for you. - `django-cas `_ - `django-cas2 `_